Worldwide Visa & Tours: Begin Your Global Adventure! Book an appointment

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What we do

At Premier Travel & Tourism, we specialize in providing comprehensive travel solutions tailored to your needs. From inbound and outbound visa services to flight bookings, holiday packages, and travel insurance, we ensure a seamless and stress-free experience. Whether you’re planning a dream vacation, a business trip, or need expert assistance with visa processing, our team is here to make your journey hassle-free and memorable.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Visa requirements for entering Dubai differ based on nationality, the purpose of your visit, and its duration. It’s always recommended to verify the latest regulations before traveling. Generally, US passport holders can obtain a visa on arrival. Citizens of GCC countries do not require a visa or sponsor to enter the UAE. However, foreigners accompanying GCC nationals or expatriates residing in GCC countries must apply for an online visa prior to arrival. The UAE Ministry of Interior offers an online visa system for expatriates living in GCC countries who need to visit the UAE.

We provide a variety of visa services, including tourist and business visas for multiple destinations.

Booking a holiday package with us is easy! Simply contact our team, and we’ll help you choose the perfect package tailored to your preferences and needs.

Yes, we offer flight booking services for both domestic and international travel. Let us find the best flight options for your destination.

Yes, we provide comprehensive travel insurance to ensure your peace of mind during your travels. Coverage includes trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and more.

To apply for a visa, simply get in touch with us. Our team will guide you through the process, help with the documentation, and ensure a smooth visa application.

Refund policies depend on the service provider and package type. Our team will inform you about the terms and assist you with any cancellations.

We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and other convenient options.

You can reach us via phone, email, or our contact form on the website. Our team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns.

" Highly recommend for this travel agency !! Really really the best and fast service applied for my visa, less than 6 hours though! Excellent service, helpful and nice staff and owner as well. Thank you !"
Kezia Jessica Christian
DUbai, 2024
" Very good customer service and recently they have done good job for taken me the visit visa things in good manner I suggested to do from here any UAE visa thank you so much 🙏"
Azad Khan
DUbai, 2024
" Always at the level of my high expectations They are professional kind and provide fast service. Thank you Dear "
Sonia Zibani
DUbai, 2024

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    For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries and provide the support you need. Reach out today!

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