About Us

Get to know who we are, what we do, and how we make your travel dreams a reality!

About us

About Premier Travel & Tourism


Premier Travel & Tourism LLC is your trusted partner in creating seamless and memorable travel experiences. Located in the vibrant city of Dubai, we specialize in a wide array of travel services, including inbound and outbound visa processing, customized holiday packages, flight bookings, and travel insurance. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, we pride ourselves on delivering personalized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of every traveler.

Whether you are planning a family vacation, a business trip, or a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way. By combining expertise with a passion for travel, Premier Travel & Tourism LLC is committed to making every journey special, stress-free, and unforgettable.



To become a globally recognized leader in the travel and tourism industry, known for our exceptional service, innovative travel solutions, and dedication to creating meaningful connections. We envision a world where travel is accessible, enjoyable, and transformative, inspiring people to explore and experience the richness of different cultures and destinations.



Our mission is to simplify the travel process and provide unparalleled services that exceed our clients’ expectations. At Premier Travel & Tourism LLC, we are committed to:

  • Offering reliable and efficient visa services to ensure smooth entry and exit for travelers across the globe.
  • Creating customized travel experiences that cater to individual preferences, making each trip unique and memorable.
  • Delivering exceptional customer service by understanding the diverse needs of our clients and offering solutions that match their goals.
  • Leveraging innovation and technology to enhance the travel experience, ensuring convenience and efficiency at every step.
  • Fostering trust and long-term relationships with our clients by prioritizing transparency, professionalism, and quality in everything we do.

By staying true to our mission, we aim to inspire confidence and loyalty, transforming every journey into a cherished memory.

Our Team

Meet our team







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our hours

Monday – Saturday: 9 am – 7 pm


Office No 04, Dar ul Jawhara Building, JVC Dubai, UAE


Phone: +971 58 520 4078

Email: info@premiertraveltourism.com

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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